
As part of our efforts to support 21st century learning online, we have been using trace log data as a way to understand how educators and learners are interacting.

We share our method for automatically code log data that highlights educator support roles and student actions that are consistent with recent conceptualizations of 21st century learning, such as creative production, self- directed learning, and social learning.

We provide our coding framework for examining educator support roles and student activities, and present an anonymized dataset for others to explore.

Related Research

Martin, C.K., Nacu, D., Pinkard, N. (2016). Revealing opportunities for 21st century learning: An approach to interpreting user trace log data. Journal of Learning Analytics, Special Section: Learning Analytics for 21st Century Competencies.

Nacu, D., Martin, C.K., Schutzenhofer, M., Pinkard, N. (2016). Beyond Traditional Metrics: Using Automated Log Coding to Understand 21st Century Learning Online. Presentation at ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale 2016.

Nacu, D.C., Martin, C.K., Pinkard, N. & Gray, T. (2014): Analyzing educators’ online interactions: a framework of online learning support roles. Learning, Media and Technology. DOI:10.1080/17439884.2015.975722

Mini-course on EdX

As part of the Learning@Scale 2016 Flipped Conference, we created a “mini-course" on Beyond Traditional Metrics: Using Automated Log Coding to Understand 21st Century Learning Online on the EdX platform. View on EdX.Â