Talks & Papers


Nacu, D., Martin, C.K. & Pinkard, N. (2018). Designing for 21st century learning online: A heuristic method to enable educator learning support roles. Educational Technology Research and Development.

Nacu, D., Martin, C.K., Pinkard, N. (2017). An interface design approach to encouraging online contributions among underrepresented youth. In Y. A. Rankin and J. O. Thomas (Eds.), Moving Students of Color from Consumers to Producers of Technology. (pp. 174-196). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2005-4.ch009

Hamid, T., Nacu, D., Li, T., Raicu, D.R., Gemmell, J., Martin, C.K., Pinkard, N. (2016). Recommender System to Support Brokering of Youth Learning Opportunities. International Workshop on Educational Recommender Systems (EdRecSys): in International Conference of Web Intelligence 2016.

Martin, C.K., Nacu, D., & Pinkard, N. (2016).Revealing opportunities for 21st century learning: An approach to interpreting user trace log data. Journal of Learning Analytics, 3(2), 37-87.

Nacu, D., Martin, C.K., Schutzenhofer, M., Pinkard, N. (2016). Beyond Traditional Metrics: Using Automated Log Coding to Understand 21st Century Learning Online. Proceedings of the third ACM conference on Learning@Scale. Edinburgh, Scotland, April 25-28, 2016.

Denise C. Nacu, Caitlin K. Martin, Nichole Pinkard & Tené Gray (2014). Analyzing educators’ online interactions: a framework of online learning support roles, Learning, Media and Technology . DOI:10.1080/17439884.2015.975722. Special issue of Learning, Media and Technology on Digital Media and Data: Using and designing technologies to support learning in practice.